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Threads and Mutexes

from stanford edu CS110 Lecture 10: Threads and Mutexes

CS110 Lecture 10: Threads and Mutexes

Principles of Computer Systems
Winter 2020 Stanford University Computer Science Department
Instructors: Chris Gregg and Nick Troccoli

CS110 Topic 3: How can we have concurrency within a single process?

Learning About Processes

Today's Learning Goals

  • Discover some of the pitfalls of threads sharing the same virtual address space
  • Learn how locks can help us limit access to shared resources
  • Get practice using condition variables to wait for signals from other threads

Plan For Today

  • Recap: Threads in C++
  • Races When Accessing Shared Data
  • Introducing Mutexes

Recap: Threads in C++


A thread is an independent execution sequence within a single process.

  • Most common: assign each thread to execute a single function in parallel
  • Each thread operates within the same process, so they share global data(!) (text, data, and heap segments)
  • They each have their own stack (e.g. for calls within a single thread)
  • Execution alternates between threads as it does for processes
  • Many similarities between threads and processes; in fact, threads are often called lightweight processes.

Threads vs. Processes


  • isolate virtual address spaces (good: security and stability, bad: harder to share info)
  • can run external programs easily (fork-exec) (good)
  • harder to coordinate multiple tasks within the same program (bad)


  • share virtual address space (bad: security and stability, good: easier to share info)
  • can't run external programs easily (bad)
  • easier to coordinate multiple tasks within the same program (good)

C++ thread

A thread object can be spawned to run the specified function with the given arguments.

thread myThread(myFunc, arg1, arg2, ...);
  • **myFunc:**the function the thread should execute asynchronously
  • **args:**a list of arguments (any length, or none) to pass to the function upon execution
  • Once initialized with this constructor, the thread may execute at any time!

To pass objects by reference to a thread, use the **ref()**function:

void myFunc(int& x, int& y) {...}

thread myThread(myFunc, ref(arg1), ref(arg2));

We can make an array of threads as follows:

// declare array of empty thread handles 
thread friends[5]; 

// Spawn threads
for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    friends[i] = thread(myFunc, arg1, arg2); 

We can also initialize an array of threads as follows (note the loop by reference):

thread friends[5]; 
for (thread& currFriend : friends) {
    currFriend = thread(myFunc, arg1, arg2); 

To wait on a thread to finish, use the .join() method:

thread myThread(myFunc, arg1, arg2); 

... // do some work

// Wait for thread to finish (blocks) 

For multiple threads, we must wait on a specific thread one at a time:

thread friends[5]; 
// spawn here
// now we wait for each to finish 
for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) { 

Thread Safety

A thread-safefunction is one that will always execute correctly, even when called concurrently from multiple threads.

  • printfis thread-safe, but **operator<<**is not. This means e.g. cout statements could get interleaved!
  • To avoid this, use oslockand osunlock(custom CS110 functions - #include "ostreamlock.h") around streams. They ensure at most one thread has permission to write into a stream at any one time.
cout << oslock <<  "Hello, world!" <<  endl << osunlock;

Threads Share Memory

static void greeting(size_t& i) {
    cout << oslock << "Hello, world! I am thread " << i << endl << osunlock; 

static const size_t kNumFriends = 6;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    cout << "Let's hear from " << kNumFriends << " threads." << endl;

    thread friends[kNumFriends]; // declare array of empty thread handles

    // Spawn threads
    for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumFriends; i++) {
        friends[i] = thread(greeting, ref(i));

    // Wait for threads
    for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumFriends; i++) {

    cout << "Everyone's said hello!" << endl;
    return 0;


$ ./friends
Let's hear from 6 threads.
Hello, world! I am thread 2 
Hello, world! I am thread 2 
Hello, world! I am thread 3 
Hello, world! I am thread 5 
Hello, world! I am thread 5 
Hello, world! I am thread 6 
Everyone's said hello!
for ( size_t i =  0; i < kNumFriends; i++) {

Solution: pass a copy of i (not by reference) so it does not change.

Races When Accessing Shared Data

Thread-Level Parallelism

  • Threads allow a process to parallelize a problem across multiple cores
  • Consider a scenario where we want to process 250 images and have 10 cores
  • Simulation: let each thread help process images until none are left
  • Let's jump to a demo to see how this works
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { 
    thread processors[10]; 
    size_t remainingImages = 250; 
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; i++)     
        processors[i] = thread(process, 101 + i, ref(remainingImages));   
    for (thread& proc: processors) proc.join();
    cout << "Images done!" << endl; 
    return 0; 

There is a race condition here!

  • **Problem:**threads could interrupt each other in between lines 2 and 3.

    static  void process(size_t id, size_t& remainingImages) { 
        while (remainingImages >  0) {  
            sleep_for( 500 );   // simulate "processing image" 
            // ...    
  • **Why is this?**It's because remainingImages > 0 test and remainingImages-- aren't atomic

  • Atomicity: externally, the code has either executed or not; external observers do not see any intermediate states mid-execution

  • If a thread evaluates remainingImages > 0to be trueand commits to processing an image, another thread could come in and claim that same image before this thread processes it.

Why Test and Decrement Is REALLY NOT Thread-Safe

  • C++ statements aren't inherently atomic. Virtually all C++ statements—even ones as simple as remainingImages--—compile to multiple assembly code instructions.

  • Assembly code instructions are atomic, but C++ statements are not.

  • g++ on the myths compiles remainingImages-- to five assembly code instructions, as with:

    0x0000000000401a9b <+36>:   mov    -0x20(%rbp),%rax
    0x0000000000401a9f <+40>:   mov    (%rax),%eax
    0x0000000000401aa1 <+42>:   lea    -0x1(%rax),%edx
    0x0000000000401aa4 <+45>:   mov    -0x20(%rbp),%rax
    0x0000000000401aa8 <+49>:   mov    %edx,(%rax)
  • The first two lines drill through the remainingImages reference to load a copy of the remainingImages held on main's stack. The third line decrements that copy, and the last two write the decremented copy back to the remainingImages variable held on main's stack.

  • The ALU operates on registers, but registers are private to a core, so the variable needs to be loaded from and stored to memory.

    • Each thread makes a local copy of the variable before operating on it
    • What if multiple threads all load the variable at the same time: they all think there's only 128 images remaining and process 128 at the same time

Introducing Mutexes


A mutex is a variable type that represents something like a "locked door".

You can lockthe door:

  • if it's unlocked, you go through the door and lock it
  • if it's locked, you wait for it to unlock first

If you most recently locked the door, you can unlockthe door:

  • door is now unlocked, another may go in now

Mutex - Mutual Exclusion

A mutex is a type used to enforce mutual exclusion, i.e., a critical section

Mutexes are often called locks

  • To be very precise, mutexes are one kind of lock, there are others (read/write locks, reentrant locks, etc.), but we can just call them locks in this course, usually "lock" means "mutex"

When a thread locks a mutex

  • If the lock is unlocked the thread takes the lock and continues execution
  • If the lock is locked, the thread blocks and waits until the lock is unlocked
  • If multiple threads are waiting for a lock they all wait until lock is unlocked, one receives lock

When a thread unlocks a mutex

  • It continues normally; one waiting thread (if any) takes the lock and is scheduled to run

This is a subset of the C++ mutex abstraction: nicely simple! How can we use this in our buggy program?

class mutex {
    mutex();        // constructs the mutex to be in an unlocked state
    void lock();    // acquires the lock on the mutex, blocking until it's unlocked
    void unlock();  // releases the lock and wakes up another threads trying to lock it

Critical Sections With Mutexes

main instantiates a mutex, which it passes (by reference!) to invocations of process. The process code uses this lock to protect remainingImages. Note we need to unlock on line 5 -- in complex code forgetting this is an easy bug

static void process ( size_t id, size_t & remainingImages, mutex& counterLock) {
    while ( true ) {
        if (remainingImages == 0) {
        cout << oslock << "Thread#" << id << " processed an image (" << remainingImages 11   << " remain)." << endl << osunlock;
    cout << oslock << "Thread#" << id << " sees no remaining images and exits." << endl << osunlock;

// Create single mutex in main, pass by reference

Critical Sections Can Be Bottlenecks

The way we've set it up, only one thread agent can process an image at a time!

We can do better: serialize deciding which image to process and parallelize the actual processing

Keep your critical sections as small as possible!

static void process ( size _t id, size _t & remainingImages, mutex& counterLock) { 
    while ( true ) {
        size _t myImage; 
        counterLock.lock();   // Start of critical section 
        if (remainingImages == 0) { 
            counterLock.unlock(); // Rather keep it here, easier to check 
        } else { 
            myImage = remainingImages; 
            counterLock.unlock(); // end of critical section 
            cout << oslock << "Thread#" << id << " processed an image (" << remainingImages 16   << " remain)." << endl << osunlock; 
    cout << oslock << "Thread#" << id << " sees no remaining images and exits." << endl << osunlock; 

Problems That Might Arise

What if processImage can return an error?

  • E.g., what if we need to distinguish allocating an image and processing it
  • A thread can grab the image by decrementing remainingImages but if it fails there's no way for another thread to retry
  • Because these are threads, if one thread has a SEGV the whole process will fail
  • A more complex approach might be to maintain an actual queue of images and allow threads (in a critical section) to push things back into the queue

What if image processing times are highly variable (e.g, one image takes 100x as long as the others)?

  • Might scan images to estimate execution time and try more intelligent scheduling

What if there's a bug in your code, such that sometimes processImage randomly enters an infinite loop?

  • Need a way to reissue an image to an idle thread
  • An infinite loop of course shouldn't occur, but when we get to networks sometimes execution time can vary by 100x for reasons outside our control

Some Types of Mutexes

Standard mutex: what we've seen

  • If a thread holding the lock tries to re-lock it, deadlock


  • A thread can lock the mutex multiple times, and needs to unlock it the same number of times to release it to other threads


  • A thread can try_lock_for / try_lock_until: if time elapses, don't take lock
  • Deadlocks if same thread tries to lock multiple times, like standard mutex

In this class, we'll focus on just regular mutex

How Do Mutexes Work?

Something we've seen a few times is that you can't read and write a variable atomically

  • But a mutex does so! If the lock is unlocked, lock it

How does this work with caches?

  • Each core has its own cache
  • Writes are typically write-back (write to higher cache level when line is evicted), not write-through (always write to main memory) for performance
  • Caches are coherent -- if one core writes to a cache line that is also in another core's cache, the other core's cache line is invalidated: this can become a performance problem

Hardware provides atomic memory operations, such as compare and swap

  • cas old, new, addr
    • If addr == old, set addr to new
  • Use this as a single bit to see if the lock is held and if not, take it
  • If the lock is held already, then enqueue yourself (in a thread safe way) and tell kernel to sleep you
  • When a node unlocks, it clears the bit and wakes up a thread

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