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what is on your head 在你的头上是什么
He's dressed in a suit and tie 他穿着西装打着领带
Who designed this bathing suit 谁设计了这件泳衣
There aren't any seats close to the stage 没有任何靠近舞台的座位
These shoes are in fashion and I really like them 这些鞋很时尚,我真的很喜欢它们
These are trying times for all of us 对我们所有人来说,这是艰难的时期
Let's welcome the final model 让我们欢迎最后一位模特
This kind of watch is made in France 这种手表是在法国制造的
For how many nights? 住几个晚上
Broadway show 百老汇演出
Do you still have rooms available? 你们还有空房间吗
I'd like to change these dollars for RMB 我想把这些美元换成人民币
Can I take a day off 我可以休一天假吗
go surfing 冲浪
if you work hard, you'll earn more 如果你努力工作你会赚的更多
I need to spend less 我需要少花点钱
I want to have my own airplane 我想要有我自己的飞机
Does Emma have anything to do tomorrow night 艾玛明天晚上有什么事要做吗
She has nothing to do this afternoon 她今天下午没什么事情要做
Did you have a busy day 你忙了一天吗
Is this seat taken 这个座位有人吗
You can take a seat over there 你可以坐在那里
cafeteria 食堂
Can we do this project in pairs 我们可以两人一组做这个课题吗
You were driving on the wrong side of the road 你在逆行
There's a police officer on the left side of the road 在马路的左边有一个警官
We stopped at the grocery store after work 我们下班后去了一趟杂货店
Emma got her sister a beautiful swimsuit 艾玛给她的妹妹买了一件漂亮的泳衣
I'm waiting in line 我现在在排队
I want to return the pants that I bought yesterday 我想退掉我昨天买的裤子
scarf 围巾
Your dog looks nice in that swimsuit 你的狗穿那件泳衣看起来很不错
Did you see a set of keys in my purse 你在我的手提包里看到一串钥匙了吗
dry my hair 吹头发
Every dish comes with soup 每道菜都带有汤
When are you available this week 你这周什么时候有空
earrings and bracelets 耳环和手链
udon 乌冬面
I'm good, thanks 不用了,谢谢
There's a grocery store across from our apartment 在我们的公寓对面有一个杂货店
Do you usually get along with your colleagues 你平时跟你的同事相处得好吗
Do you like dim sum 你喜欢点心吗
She never wears makeup 她从不化妆
The beach is one mile from here 海滩离这儿一英里
To get to the desert, drive east for twenty miles 要到沙漠,往东开20英里
Drive north for five miles, and then take a right 往北开五英里,然后右转
We had fun hiking last week 我们上周徒步旅行很开心
Why are you mad at me 你为什么生我的气
His towel is in the closet 他的毛巾在壁橱里
Is the shampoo next to the soap 洗发水在肥皂的旁边吗
I will go to the doctor on Friday 我周五会去看医生
spoon 勺子
There is a cup next to each dish 每个盘子旁边都有一个杯子
Can you get some cheese and also a bag of crackers 你可以买一些奶酪还有一袋饼干吗
the drawer on the right 在右边的抽屉
Why were you thirty minutes late for work yesterday 你昨天上班为什么迟到了三十分钟
We play hockey at the stadium every weekend 我们每周末都在体育场打曲棍球
How did the volleyball game go last weekend 上周末的排球比赛进行的怎么样
Maybe he'll get me some fried chicken 也许他会给我买一些炸鸡
This restaurant sells kids' meals 这个餐厅卖儿童套餐
His lunch break is in an hour and a half 他的午休在一个半小时后
Were they small children then 他们当时是小孩子吗
When will we have the next meeting 我们什么时候会开下一个会议
curtain 窗帘
Emma waited at the train station for an hour 艾玛在火车站等了一个小时
Did you enjoy your trip to Chicago last summer 你很享受你去年去芝加哥的旅行吗
Where will you be this weekend 你们这个周末会在哪里
cuddly 毛茸茸的 和蔼可亲的
splendid: excellent terrific: wonderful sickening: nasty fabulous: wonderful flawless: perfect Is there a store inside the train station 有一个商店在火车站里面吗
go rock climbing 攀岩
How often do you go hiking 你多久去一次徒步旅行
Do you like board games or video games 你喜欢桌游还是电子游戏
Which exercise is more difficult 哪个运动更难
Is this plastic toy hers 这个塑料玩具是她的吗
What are you going to make for dessert 你甜点打算做什么
What is your favourite kind of candy 你最喜欢的是哪种糖果
a ticket to a baseball game 一张棒球比赛的票
work from home 在家工作
When did you finish high school 你什么时候高中毕业
How much do your glasses cost 你的眼镜要价多少
We eat by the water 我们在水边吃
Is there a river near here 在这里附近有一条河吗
We do not work on Saturdays 我们周六不工作
There is a chair next to the desk Do you sleep 8 hours every night 你每天晚上都睡八个小时吗
We talk on the phone sometimes 我们有时候打电话
He's taking a photo of the house now 他现在在给房子拍照片
siblings 兄弟姐妹
Can you wait for forty minutes 你能等40分钟吗
Do you want to come inside 你想要进来吗
The show is staring in 20 minutes 演出在20分钟后开始
There's an owl on the top of the tree 树顶上有只猫头鹰
Someone ate the rest of the pizza 某人吃了其余的披萨
The students returned to the classroom after the break 那些学生们在休息后返回了教室
Towels take a long time to dry 毛巾花很长时间烘干
I had champagne once a long time ago 我很久之前喝过一次香槟
What kind of soup is this 这是哪种汤
Can I get you more coffee 你想要更多咖啡吗
There's a nice cafe across from the library. 在图书馆对面有一个不错的咖啡厅
show you around 带你四处看看
walk around 四处逛逛
The last building on the right is a bank 右边的最后一座楼是一家银行
apartment one zero six 106号公寓
have a great time 玩得很尽兴
How was your first month at university 你在大学的第一个月怎么样
call the front desk 给前台打电话
will someone be cleaning the room today 今天会有人打扫房间吗
walk past the bus stop and turn right 走过公交站然后右转
will you be doing some activities tonight 你今晚将会进行一些活动吗
could you give me a wake-up call every day at six 你可以每天六点给我打一下叫醒电话吗
could you give us a ride to the airport 你能载我们去机场吗
The hotel's driver will give us a ride later 酒店司机晚一点将会载我们一程
I enjoyed my time here 我在这里过得很愉快
The heat is off in room eight zero two 802号房间没有暖气
Our staff will always be available 我们的工作人员将会随时待命
The water is off in my room 我的房间停水了
Could you carry these suitcase across the hall 你能把这些行李箱拿到走廊对面吗
This parking lot is for the customers 停车场是给顾客的
How many days will they be travelling in the UK 他们将会在英国旅游几天
Is the swimming pool across the hall 游泳池在走廊对面吗
I'll be staying here for a few extra days 我将会在这里再多待几天
The kitchen is next to the dining room 厨房在餐厅旁边
The people in this village are nicer 在这个村子里的人更友善
Do cows have four legs 牛有四条腿吗
what do cows eat 牛吃什么
we never finish school early 我们从来不提早放学
Emma needs to get on the train in one hour 艾玛需要在一个小时后上火车
The subway station isn't too far from here 地铁站离这里不太远
The gate is closed because the airplane is leaving soon 登机口关了因为飞机马上要离开
Duo wants to take a tour of this city 多儿想参观这个城市
You can't influence a jury. But a magistrate, there's room for manoeuvre. 你影响不到陪审团的,但是我们可以在地方执法官身上找到回旋余地
room for manoeuvre 回旋余地,可能性,机会
They'll get married next April 他们明年四月会结婚
His lunch break is in an hour and a half 他的午休在一个半小时后
How do you say your first name 您的名字怎么读
If you buy a shirt, you'll get a hat for free 如果你买一件衬衫 你会拿到一顶免费帽子
When does the bookstore close every day 书店每天都什么时候关门
Maybe he'll get me some fried chicken 也许他会给我买一些炸鸡
He's worried about the score that he got on the SAT 他很担心他在SAT上得到的成绩
Who had fish and chips for lunch 谁午饭吃了炸鱼和薯条
green tea or black tea 绿茶还是红茶
I worked in oxford for two years 我在牛津工作了两年
her aunt studied in London for three years 她的阿姨在伦敦学习了三年
Will we be working from home for the rest of the month 我们这个月剩下的时间将会在家工作吗
How was your trip to New York yesterday 你昨天去纽约的旅行怎么样
When did you call the doctor yesterday 你昨天什么时候给医生打的电话
Let's walk along the path on the left 咱们沿着在左边的小路走吧
Don't let them stay up too late 别让他们熬夜太晚
Is there a student discount on these things 这些东西有学生折扣吗
It's a good deal 很划算
Is this buy one get one free? 这个买一送一吗
this is some pimped out rap video 这也太奢侈了吧
short-term memory 短期记忆
final four 四强
that's life 这就是生活
My dog often gets excited, if the weather is nice 我的狗经常变得很兴奋,如果天气不错的话
Can we go inside and look at it 我们可以进去看看吗
Let's go for a walk 咱们去散步吧
I'll email you by 4p.m. 我下午四点前会发邮件给你
The house on the left is ours 左边的房子是我们的
Let's go inside 咱们进去吧
There's a big sink in the kitchen 在厨房里有一个大水槽
Our apartment is in the last building on the right 我们的公寓在右边的最后一座楼里
The bank is across from the grocery store 银行在杂货店对面
We got here by taxi 我们是坐出租车到这里的
When did you get here 你是什么时候到这里的
Dad has been a factory worker for 13 years 爸爸做工厂员工做了13年了
We have never been so happy 我们从来没有这么开心过
They have always been happy 他们一直都很开心
What's your nationality 你是什么国籍
We have been to this small town 我们去过这个小镇
This leather chair comes in brown and black 这张皮椅有棕色的和黑色的
She wants this very badly 她非常想要这个
Does this scarf come in red 这条围巾有红色的吗
Can I find second hand books at the flea market 我可以在跳蚤市场找到二手书吗
Did you see that poster for the flea market 你看到那张跳蚤市场的海报了吗
Do most of you work from home these days? 你们大多数人这些天都在家工作吗
I can't hear you very well 我听得不是非常清楚
mechanic 修车工
auto repair shop 汽车修理店
pajamas 睡衣
the people in this village are poor 在这个村子里的人很穷
hello folks 大家好
It's either the suite or the street 要么留 要么滚(有语言背景才可这么翻译 可以套用)
It's miles away, you can't see it 那里很遥远,你看不到它
The speaker on the left is broken 左边的扬声器坏了
Why don't the kids get tired 孩子们为什么不累
Cleaning our neighborhood was a success, wasn't it 打扫我们的街区很成功,不是吗
What kind of position are you looking for 你在找什么样的职位
What kind of job are you looking for 你在找什么样的工作
Thank you for the souvenir 谢谢你的纪念品
The broken speakers annoyed me 坏掉的扬声器让我很恼火
pharmacy 药店
heels 高跟鞋
Are they going to join us or not 他们到底要不要跟我们一起去
If you like, you can join us 如果你愿意 你可以跟我们一起去
Are you going to drive, or not 你到底要不要开车
Why don't you go for a walk 你为什么不去散步
May is warmer than April 五月比四月更暖和
Did you watch a show last night in Las Vegas 你昨晚在拉斯维加斯看了一场演出吗
I have two tickets to the concert 我有两张音乐会的票
Are the kids making that noise 是孩子们在发出那个响声吗
You will enjoy your next trip to China 你会享受你下一次去中国的旅行
The short weeks of autumn dip the whole landscape in a sea of color 秋天短暂的数周把整个地带渲染得缤纷多彩(sea of 大量)
Are we in groups of five or in groups of six 我们是五人一组还是六人一组
Is this seat taken 这个座位有人吗
We did this project in pairs 我们两人一组做了这个课题
Were they workers at this company 他们以前是这家公司的员工吗
Why are you so afraid of change 你为什么这么害怕改变
They painted the door white 他们把门涂成了白色
This is a picture of you 这是你的照片
There wooden chairs are his 这些木制椅子是他的
Where do they want to put this dresser 他们想要把这个柜子放在哪里
Both of their parents were doctors 他们的父母以前都是医生
Can you put your clothes in the bedroom 你可以把你的衣服放在卧室里吗
She is with you 她和你一起
My plane arrived at half past one 我的飞机是在一点半到的
We arrived in London last Friday at about 7 o'clock 我们上周五是在七点钟左右到的伦敦
I was not angry at my husband yesterday 我昨天没有生我丈夫的气
Does she want a brighter color 她想要更亮的颜色吗
The spaces between the houses are important 在房子之间的这些空间是最重要的
I like these shoes very much 我非常喜欢这些鞋子
The table is in the kitchen 桌子在厨房里
It is cold in January 在一月很冷
Is the blond woman over there an actor 在那里的金发女人是一个演员吗
We eat by the water 我们在水边吃
Mr.Wang has many photos of his house 王先生有很多他的房子的照片
Did you like the play last night 你喜欢昨晚的戏剧吗
Did they bring you red envelopes 他们给你带红包了吗
It has been two days 已经两天了
Is the manager available now 经理现在有空吗
Is it OK to take notes 可以做笔记吗
I'll be back in a minute 我稍后就会回来
He'll be with you soon 他马上来见你
She'll be with you in a minute 她稍后就会来见你
I've worked as a receptionist for two years 我当前台两年了
Were you a secretary at your last job 你上一份工作是一个秘书吗
Good luck with your new job 祝你新工作顺利
We will be staying here till May third 我们将会在这里待到五月三号
The rooms that are cheaper don't have an ocean view 更便宜的房间没有海景
Our neighbor's house is for sale 我们邻居的房子在出售
He is flying to Beijing in three hours 他三个小时后要飞去北京
I need to get on a train to London 我需要上一列去伦敦的火车
If the answer is correct, put a check here 如果答案正确就在这里打勾
If your answer is correct, put your hand up 如果你的答案是正确的就举手
How many classes will you take next semester 你下学期会上几门课
I've failed that exam twice 我两次都没通过那个考试
Our principal never makes mistakes 我们的校长从来不犯错
The principal will give everyone a diploma 校长会给每个人一张毕业证
take a video of us 给我们拍个视频吧
They might complete the project by Thursday 他们周四前可能会完成项目
He needs help with the email 这封邮件他需要帮助
Are there any ducks on your farm 在你的农场有鸭子吗
What does this sentence mean 这个句子是什么意思
What time is our regular meeting 我们的例会是几点
Somebody should email this customer by Friday 得有人在周五前给这个顾客发邮件
He wants to meet to discuss several problems 他想要见面讨论几个问题
Could I discuss several things with you 我能跟你一起讨论几件事吗
I can't rent this apartment for the whole year 我不能租这个公寓租一整年
Can we go inside and look at it 我们可以进去看看吗
These rooms are nice, they are a good size 这些房间不错,他们的大小合适
There is a refrigerator next to the swimming pool 在游泳池旁边有一个冰箱

吃好喝好 快乐地活下去